Special to World Tribune
Thursday, October 21, 2010
By Cliff Kincaid
Dinesh D’Souza says in his new book that Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist. Stanley Kurtz has a new book, Radical-in-Chief, which says Obama is a socialist. The new book "Dupes" by Paul Kengor tells the unvarnished truth. And that’s because he made use of material we began reporting back in February of 2008 about Obama’s communist mentor, Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis...
Stanley Kurtz says, after his book is out and two years into the Obama presidency, “I was nervous about the socialism charge myself.” The highlight of his new book is that he documents that Obama attended a series of socialist scholar conferences when he went to college. But Obama admitted to that in his book, Dreams from My Father (Page 122), published back in 1995. He wrote about going to “socialist conferences.” The issue in "Dreams" is why Obama covered up his relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, referring to him only as “Frank.” It is Frank who created the mindset in Obama to want to attend socialist conferences. This was the issue that could and should have been addressed by conservatives during the campaign. But too many of them were silent or nervous about what they might find...
Paul Kengor says that conservatives were reluctant to face up to the truth about Obama because they didn’t want to be accused of “McCarthyism” for raising the issue of his communist connections. The 600-page Kengor book includes the excerpts of the Davis FBI files that others have shied away from...
The difference between calling Obama an anti-colonialist, a socialist, or a Marxist mentored by a top operative of the CPUSA is that one category should immediately earn you an FBI investigation...Obama could not have been elected president if he had been subjected to such an inquiry.
Leaving Davis aside — and he was on the FBI’s “security index” — Obama’s relationship with communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn was enough to disqualify him for the presidency...
This is why Obama covered up Frank’s identity. He knew that acknowledging the truth could destroy his political career. And it could still do so if the truth is examined...
Contrary to what D’Souza says in his new book, the “dream” comes not from Obama’s real father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., who abandoned the family, but from his surrogate father, Frank Marshall Davis...
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