Obama's war on Fox & half the country
October 22, 2009
By Allan Erickson
American Thinker
Reprinted in full:
On the one hand, we should celebrate the war between Fox News and the White House.
It is a good thing President Obama & Co. are angry with Fox. It means Fox is doing its job, you know, holding the Executive Branch accountable, like a real news organization. This is good news. Traditionally in America, the Fourth Estate's role has been to challenge those in power, challenge the assumptions, examine the assertions, and check for accuracy, all the while carrying both sides of the story.
A real news organization serves the people, acting as a check on power by informing people so they can make good decisions at the polls.
The fact that Fox is holding Obama's feet to the fire should cause rejoicing.
On the other hand, there are three bad news dimensions to all this: the rest of the media is content to lick Obama's boots, true to pattern Obama is glad to selfishly attack a private news organization (by the way, the most highly rated television news group in the nation), and the more Nero fiddles, the higher the flames.
Barack Obama is happy to fight a war on Fox.
Oh, that the Commander in Chief would fight the war on terror with as much energy and focus.
The truth is Barack Obama is becoming a most divisive President.
He preaches unity with his mouth, but with his hands, he sows seeds of division. Do not forget how he applied thug tactics during the campaign while denigrating Fox, insulting average Americans as gun-toting Bible thumpers, encouraging racial tensions as he always had through 'community organizing,' i.e., ACORN.
Never forget how his machine took money from overseas. Remember how he raised an enormous war chest via the internet with no way to track donors.
Don't overlook the thug tactics used during the Texas caucuses, how law enforcement was instructed to suppress media criticism in Missouri, how free speech and a free press were quelled in Chicago when a reporter sought to cover Obama's Chicago activities via Annenberg and Ayers and 'education reform.'
Notice today his army of Czars: radical leftists, race baiters, anti-American globalists, distinctly and angrily opposed to most traditional American values.
And now we have his media czar Anita Dunn singing the praises of Chairman Mao, and bragging that the Obama campaign controlled the media. All this coming at a time she calls Fox nothing more than a Republican mouthpiece. (Never mind that half of Fox's viewers are Democrats and Independents, according to a recent survey by the Global Marketing Research Center.)
Thanks to the internet (which Obama seeks to control as well), those who are wise consumers of media and news have been paying attention. They know full well this President and his operatives are capable of most anything now. The lies and misrepresentations increase almost daily.
Journalists with an ounce of integrity see through the octopus ink now being spewed in the water, for this is what the war on Fox is all about, clouding the issues, providing cover, defense and retreat. How odd to see a radical Leftist President in Nixonian garb.
Fox has been the only news TV organization willing to challenge this President on both foreign and domestic policy. Fox is the only TV outfit with guts enough to run stories about ACORN corruption. Fox is the only television organization covering what the roughly half the American people think about healthcare reform and cap 'n trade, doing so with real coverage of Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties. Fox is the only substantive television news group asking the tough questions about Afghanistan.
The rest of the major media are either silent, complicit, or cheerleaders for this Government, a government populated in the main by radical leftists devoted to the destruction of our Republic, traitors by any definition.
In case you have not noticed, the Constitution is taking a back seat to the EU and the U.N., and economic freedom is being absorbed into the socialist kool-aid served daily throughout D.C., the media, and the public schools.
Fox has challenged all this, and so Fox must pay. Fox must pay, as Limbaugh did last week, by being tied to the scourging post and beat with lies, slander, and condemnation, excoriated in public by the most vicious and cruel campaign ever witnessed, unless you consider how Obama's operatives treated Sarah Palin and her family to a similar whipping post.
And the beatings will continue.
So the battle lines are clearly drawn. The President has made a clear declaration of war on at least half of his own people. Obama & Co. have made it clear: if you disagree with this President, you will be hounded, threatened, condemned and destroyed. How Maoist. (Dunn was not kidding.)
This is the change you voted for, this is the hope you expected, and this is the dawning of a new American age of unity, purpose and prosperity?
The only remaining questions are: how long will the People put up with Al Capone in the White House, how far will Al Capone push things, what will be the end game (2010 or 2012?), and how many bodies will he leave in his wake, both at home, and abroad?
Happy Wings Day
3 days ago