How Crazy are those “Birthers?”
By JB Williams Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Canada Free Press
...when very normal people starting asking who this grand nobody from Chicago was, who appeared out of thin air with a blank résumé and a billion dollar campaign fund from donors around the globe, they were labeled “birthers” for questioning the “Natural Born Citizen” status of a mystery messiah seeking the Oval Office.
Every mainstream media outlet in America has either ignored the question, or joined the chorus of pro-Obama propagandists in discrediting “birthers” as the same crackpots known as “truthers.”
What had “birthers” done that was so over the top? They asked to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and to date, they have been denied that “crazy” request. In fact, multiple law suits have been filed across the country in numerous forms, simply seeking access to Obama’s personal history, and most recently, a judge has fined one of those attorney’s $20,000 for “filing frivolous law suits” on the matter.
Meanwhile, taxpayers have picked up the tab for over $1.5 MILLION in Obama legal defense fees, used to keep Obama’s birth certificate, his school and college records, his passport and travel records and his law practice files Top Secret. So far, the “transparent president” is anything but “transparent.” He is the ONLY president in US history to hide his entire past.
Now, how reasonable is Obama’s behavior, and how unreasonable is the behavior of the so-called “birther?”...
...we must exhaust the peaceful means of redress established in the courts.
But it appears that we may have already arrived at this point in time, as NO court in the land believes that average American citizens have the “proper standing” to ask who in the hell this mystery man really is?
That being the case, I suppose all peaceful means of redress have been exhausted and it is time to take matters into our own hands while there is still a country left to save and a Constitution around to uphold...
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