Sunday, October 25, 2009

Media Discovering that Obama Balloon a Hoax

Media Discovering that Obama Balloon a Hoax
Monte Kuligowski
American Thinker
October 24, 2009

Warrentoons "Captured My Attention" - 10/20/09 - (BW)

Reprinted in full

It was a tremendous run in voyeurism while it lasted. It was big and shiny and puffed up and filled with hot air. It rose quickly and soared high and far. It was larger than life. But it couldn’t stay afloat forever. The Obama image was put together with duct tape and glue. It was a complete fabrication. It is now deflating and heading to earth. Soon it will be discovered that it was empty -- that the entire image was a fraud.

The image was that of a post-partisan, post-racial, post-divisive, really nice guy.

But it is becoming clear that those adjectives don’t really apply to the man found hiding in the attic.

In keeping with the Heene saga what remains is for a teary-eyed David Axelrod to tell reporters that they should have seen the signs all along.

If not for the Obama mania, the soaring rhetoric, the messianic frenzy, the tingling legs, the false hope, the thronging, the fainting, the gushing, the emotionalism, the fawning, the hype, the rapture, the delusion, etc., the news reporters would have noticed.

They should have noticed that the man didn’t come out of Middle America, but out of the crooked streets of Chicago-machine politics. They should have noticed his associates were not exactly normal Americans. They should have noticed it wasn’t guilt by association, but guilt by associating. They should have noticed that remaining in Jeremiah Wright’s racist, divisive, anti-American church for 20 years was simply not reasonable. They should have noticed the countless, wonderful black churches across America that have nothing to do with “black liberation theology” and vile divisiveness.

They should have found out what “community organizing” really meant. They should have connected the dots from Saul Alinsky to ACORN to Obama.They should have noticed the scandalous amount of money Obama funneled to ACORN during the campaign. They should have noticed the unprecedented voter registration fraud during the election.

They should have noticed a whole lot of things which revealed a controlling and destructive profile; but they were blinded by their own predetermined idea that Obama was the perfect candidate.

Many downcast conservatives thought “mainstream” journalists would never notice the past and present signs. But Obama’s Hugo-Chavez-style treatment of Fox News has opened eyes in a way Sean Hannity could never have dreamed of. It was too dictatorial for even the mainstream media to ignore.

Mr. Obama’s brass knuckles attempt to ban Fox News from the White House Press Pool just might be the single factor that tips the scales toward honest journalistic investigation of the One.

Also from American Thinker : Dude, where's my magic?
From Talk Wisdom : Glenn Exposes Obama's Hypocrisy Every Day!
From Lame Cherry : Auction Block Obama
From Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog: TOTUS Acts up again at MIT -
From Gateway Pundit: Warner on Obama: Bare-fisted Politician at Home- Pantywaist Abroad

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama's War on Fox & Half the Country

Obama's war on Fox & half the country
October 22, 2009
By Allan Erickson
American Thinker

Reprinted in full:

On the one hand, we should celebrate the war between Fox News and the White House.
It is a good thing President Obama & Co. are angry with Fox. It means Fox is doing its job, you know, holding the Executive Branch accountable, like a real news organization. This is good news. Traditionally in America, the Fourth Estate's role has been to challenge those in power, challenge the assumptions, examine the assertions, and check for accuracy, all the while carrying both sides of the story.

A real news organization serves the people, acting as a check on power by informing people so they can make good decisions at the polls.

The fact that Fox is holding Obama's feet to the fire should cause rejoicing.

On the other hand, there are three bad news dimensions to all this: the rest of the media is content to lick Obama's boots, true to pattern Obama is glad to selfishly attack a private news organization (by the way, the most highly rated television news group in the nation), and the more Nero fiddles, the higher the flames.

Barack Obama is happy to fight a war on Fox.

Oh, that the Commander in Chief would fight the war on terror with as much energy and focus.
The truth is Barack Obama is becoming a most divisive President.

He preaches unity with his mouth, but with his hands, he sows seeds of division. Do not forget how he applied thug tactics during the campaign while denigrating Fox, insulting average Americans as gun-toting Bible thumpers, encouraging racial tensions as he always had through 'community organizing,' i.e., ACORN.

Never forget how his machine took money from overseas. Remember how he raised an enormous war chest via the internet with no way to track donors.

Don't overlook the thug tactics used during the Texas caucuses, how law enforcement was instructed to suppress media criticism in Missouri, how free speech and a free press were quelled in Chicago when a reporter sought to cover Obama's Chicago activities via Annenberg and Ayers and 'education reform.'

Notice today his army of Czars: radical leftists, race baiters, anti-American globalists, distinctly and angrily opposed to most traditional American values.

And now we have his media czar Anita Dunn singing the praises of Chairman Mao, and bragging that the Obama campaign controlled the media. All this coming at a time she calls Fox nothing more than a Republican mouthpiece. (Never mind that half of Fox's viewers are Democrats and Independents, according to a recent survey by the Global Marketing Research Center.)

Thanks to the internet (which Obama seeks to control as well), those who are wise consumers of media and news have been paying attention. They know full well this President and his operatives are capable of most anything now. The lies and misrepresentations increase almost daily.

Journalists with an ounce of integrity see through the octopus ink now being spewed in the water, for this is what the war on Fox is all about, clouding the issues, providing cover, defense and retreat. How odd to see a radical Leftist President in Nixonian garb.

Fox has been the only news TV organization willing to challenge this President on both foreign and domestic policy. Fox is the only TV outfit with guts enough to run stories about ACORN corruption. Fox is the only television organization covering what the roughly half the American people think about healthcare reform and cap 'n trade, doing so with real coverage of Town Hall Meetings and Tea Parties. Fox is the only substantive television news group asking the tough questions about Afghanistan.

The rest of the major media are either silent, complicit, or cheerleaders for this Government, a government populated in the main by radical leftists devoted to the destruction of our Republic, traitors by any definition.

In case you have not noticed, the Constitution is taking a back seat to the EU and the U.N., and economic freedom is being absorbed into the socialist kool-aid served daily throughout D.C., the media, and the public schools.

Fox has challenged all this, and so Fox must pay. Fox must pay, as Limbaugh did last week, by being tied to the scourging post and beat with lies, slander, and condemnation, excoriated in public by the most vicious and cruel campaign ever witnessed, unless you consider how Obama's operatives treated Sarah Palin and her family to a similar whipping post.

And the beatings will continue.

So the battle lines are clearly drawn. The President has made a clear declaration of war on at least half of his own people. Obama & Co. have made it clear: if you disagree with this President, you will be hounded, threatened, condemned and destroyed. How Maoist. (Dunn was not kidding.)

This is the change you voted for, this is the hope you expected, and this is the dawning of a new American age of unity, purpose and prosperity?

The only remaining questions are: how long will the People put up with Al Capone in the White House, how far will Al Capone push things, what will be the end game (2010 or 2012?), and how many bodies will he leave in his wake, both at home, and abroad?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This Isn’t Change, It’s Treason

by Jayme Evans
Investigating Obama
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There used to be a time in this country, not that long ago, when, despite our religious, cultural and societal differences, there were at least a few basic tenets upon which we, as Americans, could all agree. We could locate our borders, we spoke a common language and shared a common understanding of our Founders and constitutionalism. There was no confusion over what constituted acts of heroism and patriotism. Conversely, we also understood and clearly recognized, evil, greed, treason and hypocrisy.

But, alas, the beloved country that was so united in my youth has become a cesspool of unabated and accelerating filth, selfishness, decadence and immorality. The scoundrels that supposedly represent us don’t even have the decency to tell us the truth, read the laws they use to enslave us or listen to our objections.

Some, including myself, have described what Obama and his Socialists are up to as as bloodless coup. But, after further evaluation of what’s really going on behind the scenes in Washington, I have come to an even more alarming conclusion: What they are doing is committing legislative jihad...

So, the question then becomes what do you do about it? Do you, as an American, roll over and allow them to destroy your country or do you stand and resist?...

There is still time to save this great nation, but the clock is ticking. The pace of the socialist takeover is accelerating. The time for complacency and standing on the sidelines is gone. Richard Nixon resigned and Bill Clinton was impeached for far less.

Read all: This Isn’t Change, It’s Treason

Thursday, October 15, 2009

He is the ONLY president in US history to hide his entire past

How Crazy are those “Birthers?”
By JB Williams Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Canada Free Press

...when very normal people starting asking who this grand nobody from Chicago was, who appeared out of thin air with a blank résumé and a billion dollar campaign fund from donors around the globe, they were labeled “birthers” for questioning the “Natural Born Citizen” status of a mystery messiah seeking the Oval Office.

Every mainstream media outlet in America has either ignored the question, or joined the chorus of pro-Obama propagandists in discrediting “birthers” as the same crackpots known as “truthers.”

What had “birthers” done that was so over the top? They asked to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and to date, they have been denied that “crazy” request. In fact, multiple law suits have been filed across the country in numerous forms, simply seeking access to Obama’s personal history, and most recently, a judge has fined one of those attorney’s $20,000 for “filing frivolous law suits” on the matter.

Meanwhile, taxpayers have picked up the tab for over $1.5 MILLION in Obama legal defense fees, used to keep Obama’s birth certificate, his school and college records, his passport and travel records and his law practice files Top Secret. So far, the “transparent president” is anything but “transparent.” He is the ONLY president in US history to hide his entire past.

Now, how reasonable is Obama’s behavior, and how unreasonable is the behavior of the so-called “birther?”...

...we must exhaust the peaceful means of redress established in the courts.

But it appears that we may have already arrived at this point in time, as NO court in the land believes that average American citizens have the “proper standing” to ask who in the hell this mystery man really is?

That being the case, I suppose all peaceful means of redress have been exhausted and it is time to take matters into our own hands while there is still a country left to save and a Constitution around to uphold...

Read entire post:
Cover Stories News How Crazy are those “Birthers?”

Monday, October 12, 2009



Charles Krauthammer has an article in the forthcoming Weekly Standard that, to their great credit, the editors of that journal have now made available online. Although it only says what should be obvious, Krauthammer's article is nonetheless a piece that should be read in its entirety by every American.

Krauthammer's point is simple and unassailable. There is, he argues, an intimate connection between the foreign policy being pursued by the Obama administration and its domestic policy. The work undertaken in the domestic sphere by what I have called "Obama's wrecking crew" will, he points out, put a stop to the pattern of dynamic economic growth that made it possible for the United States to defeat Japan, contribute decisively to the defeat of Nazi Germany, contain communism, and ultimately defeat and prepare the way for the dismemberment of the Soviet Union.

It will produce economic stagnation of the sort that the Europeans have suffered from for decades, and it will eventuate in a collapse of the American dollar.

This, as Krauthammer shows, Obama and his minions understand, and this they want -- the elimination of the foundations for American hegemony and the crippling of this country. They regard the role that we have thus far played in the world as shameful; they are intent on dismembering the alliances that gave us our heft in the world; and they are not only appeasing our sworn enemies but openly, publicly embracing them and their agenda.

This explains the praise showered on President Obama by Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro. This is the meaning of our attempt to install a dictator in the Honduras on the model of Castro and Chavez; it is the meaning of our recent betrayal of Poland -- on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of that country.

It explains why Obama initially responded to the open theft of an election in Iran by professing his confidence in the Iranian government and why the State Department recently cut off funds for the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center in New Haven, Connecticut, which was collecting information on the imprisonment, torture, and murder of those in Iran who protested against the theft of that election (for the details see this post).

It explains the deliberate insults offered Gordon Brown of Great Britain and Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, which I catalogued here and here. And, of course, this explains the speeches given abroad again and again by President Obama, apologizing for American behavior in the past. and signaling a radical shift in American policy.

It is for this change of posture that our President has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. And if you think that the United States is the principal source of evil in the world, you should vigorously applaud. My bet is that in his acceptance speech Obama will confirm Charles Krauthammer's worst fears and my own.

Paul Rahe: Obama's agenda

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