Friday, January 7, 2011

Stuck with Obama

As an exclusive to this blog, here am I Inspired to reveal that we are going to be stuck with dictator Obama, because key Republicans have cut a deal leaving Obama in power....

So do you really think how the disappearing Darrell Issa of the past month just happened to vanish unless he too has met a price.

What I'm about to reveal is Issa has been promised a few big fish if he promises to not drag Obama into it.

What it appears like is Rahm Emanuel, no matter what happens in Chicago, is going to be dragged through the mud.

Emanuel's problems in Chicago are from Val-erie Jarrett. The Chicago election board is in Emanuel's pocket to crown him mayor. The fight is in handing Emanuel over to Issa for skewering to take this all away from DC and that means away from Obama. Read more